Everything you need to know to trade $EPIK. The direct links contained here are verified and trusted. WHERE TO BUY $EPIK.
07 Oct 2021, 19:13
π₯ Everything you need to know to trade $EPIK. The direct links contained here are verified and trusted. π₯
1. Uniswap (EPIK/ETH):
2. PancakeSwap (EPIK/BUSD): https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x368ce786ea190f32439074e8d22e12ecb718b44c&inputCurrency=0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56
3. Huobi Global Exchange (EPIK/USDT):
4. Kucoin Exchange (EPIK/USDT):
5. Gate.io Exchange (EPIK/USDT):
5. PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool (EPIK-BUSD): https://pancakeswap.finance/add/0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56/0x368ce786Ea190f32439074e8d22e12ecb718B44c
6. PancakeSwap LP Farm (EPIK-BUSD):
7. Uniswap Liquidity Pool (EPIK-ETH):
8. Uniswap LP Farm (EPIK-ETH):
9. EPIK (Ethereum):
10. EPIK (BSC):
11. EPIK token bridge for ETH<>BSC:
12. How to buy and sell EPIK on PancakeSwap:
13. How to add liquidity to Liquidity Pool onPancakeSwap:
14. How to Farm EPIK with your EPIK-BUSD LP tokens from PancakeSwap:
15. How to buy and sell EPIK on Uniswap:
16. How to add liquidity to Liquidity Pool on Uniswap:
17. How to Farm EPIK with your EPIK-ETH LP tokens fromUniswap:
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π£Video game Breaking news!
Our @Zenescope x @SecondLife
collab just launched their 2nd wave of NFTs during Comic Con NY!
5 new characters to collect and choose, with more to come!
Get them at Right pointing backhand indexhttps://epikl.ink/3ln0rFo
Illustrator: Jay Anacleto
Colorist: Ula Mos
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Video game Breaking news. Our @Zenescope x @SecondLife. collab just launched their 2nd wave of NFTs during Comic Con NY.
π£Video game Breaking news!
Our @Zenescope x @SecondLife
collab just launched their 2nd wave of NFTs during Comic Con NY!
5 new characters to collect and choose, with more to come!
Get them at Right pointing backhand indexhttps://epikl.ink/3ln0rFo
Illustrator: Jay Anacleto
Colorist: Ula Mos
Follow Epik primeπ
07 Oct 2021, 19:16
EPIK Prime telegram news 07 October 2021 19:16