Hi @crypto_xea. Thanks for reaching out. As you know we had planned to release staking/memberships in Q4.

07 Feb 2022, 00:32
Hi @crypto_xea Thanks for reaching out. As you know we had planned to release staking/memberships in Q4. To catch you up to speed, we encountered some delays during the final phase of preparations and made a decision to postpone the staking/membership launch. While it’s not uncommon to experience delays, I was not up to speed to communicate the updates with the community, and for this I apologize. Moving forward, we commit to improving our communication to community members and to everyone that supports Epik (including those that are not in our telegram groups). We are definitely releasing staking/memberships in Q1. And with the markets stabilizing after the correction we experienced the past three months the timing is also good. A bit of double positive news 🙂 It’s a very exciting time. You know, we first started talking about metaverses and Epikverse in early 2021.. way before the theme of metaverses started trending and before FB pivoting to Meta. We were ahead of the curve then with our early insight, and I believe we are ahead of the curve now by having already started building the backbone for the Epikverse of tomorrow. It is an enormous feat we have embarked on, and there will be many milestones along the way. Some of our partnerships and developments that we started many months ago will be coming to announcement this quarter as well. (Btw, in certain cases, announcements are restricted from publicizing until certain dates due to confidentiality around release dates etc.) We have other updates to share soon as well. We’ll save these for more formal announcements. Some of the community is keen to see a roadmap. We’ve heard you on this, and will publish a post on this to help you with visibility on that. Thanks again to everyone in the community that sees this. 2022 is going to be an amazing year! Big shout out to our amazing admins/mods. Working passionately for our community while core team focuses on product and partnership growth. @mahbubesan @Eltrael @crypto_Dan @BenjeOuss @Alice372101